It is the most challenging age group. We often hear parents express concern that their child has changed so much. Some may have conflicts with families or become more argumentative in the eyes of the families. They are not troublemakers as they are simply becoming young adults. Young minds at this age should be able to express their opinion and question. When they voice their opinion, we can teach them how to think through and analyze the facts or situations. If you are a parent of this age group, this is the time to gain more knowledge about the world around you so you can teach them to be articulate and a good conversationalist. This is when you can connect and bond with them even more strongly than when they were in their primary years. This age group is the most memorable time when the quality of your relationship will lay the future fundamental ground for many years to come. You can learn from them as much as you can teach them and share your life experience with them. It is a priceless time.
The fact is that these children are growing up and have much more knowledge of the world than when they were younger. They feel more independent and confident, and that is a good thing. However, they are still young adults, and we should still hold a torch for them. We are advising them with our words of wisdom. This is when we teach them to make crucial decisions based on informed choices. This is when we prepare them to take responsibility for their actions and face the consequences of their behaviors.
The purpose of education and the role of the school is to teach them to understand the world they live in and the talents within them. So that they can become fulfilled individuals and active, compassionate citizens. As one of the 21st century's most outstanding educators, Ken Robinson, said, “There are two worlds that we all, including our children, have to live. They are the world around you and the world within you. Education has to enrich their lives from the inside out. The world around you is the physical world of nature, the material environment, and the social world of other people, history, and culture. The world within you is about our consciousness, feelings, ideas, imaginations, hopes and anxieties.” The school must provide them with an education that extends their horizons, develops their skills, and deepens their understanding. This reflects on the curriculum, the content of the knowledge and skills in each subject, and the activities we provide in the school.
RBIS s Community Service. We raised funds to repair a local school that was affected by the floods.
The school focuses on five key areas at this stage of their life.
1. Identity: Our children undergo significant physical, cognitive, and emotional changes from childhood to pre-teen, pre-teen to teenager and young adults. They develop a sense of self and explore their interests, beliefs, and values. They start to build their own identities.
2. School transition: primary to secondary years can take some work. This is the time when study becomes more demanding, and this is the time when they must start to plan. All is happening at this age. Making the right academic choices to get the full support and guidance in the right direction will lay the foundation for future educational pursuits and success. The school will teach them critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making and goal setting.
3. Learning to become more independent and taking on responsibilities. It is useless for children to be able to score high exam grades but unable to understand that we, as decent humans, must be able to accept the consequences of our actions. We teach them how to set their own goal and follow their dream with determination and effort, regulate their emotions when things are not going well.
4. Social Development: they form friendships and learn important social skills, such as empathy, communication, and conflict resolution. The experience will help to shape their understanding of relationships. The social circle they mix with is very important as it can help or hinder their character and personality. They also learn life skills of caring for themselves physically, mentally, and even financially.
These years serve as a preparation phase for adulthood. When they complete their secondary school years, they are ready to enter the exciting world as a new generation who will make the world a better place.
By Arwenun Klipbua
Executive School Director