At RBIS International School every student is seen as an individual, with their own unique talents, abilities and needs.
Our excellent educational programme is complimented by our commitment to a threefold approach to pastoral care, personalised learning and student well-being.
Well-being is the experience of health and happiness. It includes mental and physical health, physical and emotional safety, and a feeling of belonging, sense of purpose, achievement and success.
We understand and work with about the important interconnected relationship between wellbeing, improved academic achievement, enhanced mental health and responsible life choices.
Young people who feel safe, connected and secure and have loving and trusting relationships are more likely to be active participants in their learning and to achieve better physical, emotional, social and educational outcomes.
We believe that in helping students to feel connected and engaged in their learning, and by working effectively with parents, we will enable students to develop the social and emotional skills to grow into happy, respectful, well-balanced and successful members of our school and wider community.
Please click learn more to discover how we establish our school wide culture of well-being.
Well-being is important at RBIS International School because we recognise that we have an essential role to play in supporting students to make healthy lifestyle choices and to understand the effects of their choices on their health and well-being.
We believe that well-being begins with helping students feel they are each known and valued as an individual in her or his own right, and that school life has meaning and purpose for them.
Our classrooms provide a safe and happy learning environment, that is both supportive and appropriately challenging in equal measure. The social and emotional skills, knowledge, and behaviours that young people learn in our classrooms help them build resilience and set the pattern for how they will manage their physical and mental health throughout their lives.
We model strong, healthy and trusting relationships, teach social and emotional skills to build resilience and well-being, embed inclusive teaching practices to build a connected and cohesive school culture, provide opportunities for students to participate actively in their learning and make time for open communication with parents about their child.
There is a direct link between well-being and academic achievement and vice-versa.
Physical activity is associated with improved learning and the ability to concentrate. Strong supportive relationships provide students with the emotional resources to explore new ideas and ways of thinking which is fundamental to educational achievement.
We recognise that there are a number of different types of well-being, all of which need to be promoted to some extent to create an overall sense of well-being in a person, and that there needs to be a culture of well-being throughout the whole school. We recognise that this can be achieved in a variety of small ways which may include:
Physical well-being - Health services
The degree to which a student feels physically protected and healthy is linked to their physical well-being in school and other environments.
Regular exercise, preventative healthcare, diet and physical security are all included. We promote physical well-being through encouraging physical activity and providing a safe atmosphere, as well as nutritional meals.
Our commitment to the well-being of students sees our pastoral care services complemented by excellent medical provision.
The school nurse’s room handles all aspects of first aid and sickness. Medical staff also play an important role in preventative care, parental liaison and general health and safety issues.
RBIS has a fully trained nurse on site and our Health Facility can provide interim acute care until parents collect an unwell child or transportation to a medical facility is required.
Medical staff are also involved in the management of chronic health conditions and activities focused on preventive health, health maintenance, and health education.
The Nurse works collaboratively with the teaching team and other staff to provide a holistic approach to care.
Physical well-being – Catering services
Children and teenagers must eat a well-balanced diet and be healthy in order to learn, so a healthy diet is an important component of any school wellness programme.
RBIS International School works collaboratively with our catering company to ensure a nutritious and balanced approach is employed in the development of snack and lunch menus. Our menus are characterised by items with less salt and sugar, and a minimum of fried food.
Physical well-being – Sports and Fitness
Teachers support student wellness through a classroom focus on healthy lifestyles including diet, exercise and time management
Student fitness is a major focus for life at RBIS and the Physical Education and Sports programme is an essential timetabled element for all sections of the school providing opportunities for students to exercise and participate in recreational activities and sports.