The key characteristics of our curriculum provision is that it is a very structured approach to meeting the learning needs of all students, stretching brighter children and supporting those who need it through differentiated teaching and learning activities. Our curriculum allows teachers to identify, nurture and celebrate the talents and learning potential of all our students.
The British education system is renowned for concerning itself with the development of the whole personality. As a school we recognize that young people need to develop their potential to explore and discover the world around them, to think for themselves and form opinions, to relate to others, to develop their bodies through sport and physical education, and to gain experience in taking responsibility.”
“RBIS Primary students are taught to learn by questioning, problem-solving and creative thinking rather than by the mere retention of facts, hence giving them analytical and creative thinking skills that they will need in their future working lives. As a school we are aware that we live in a rapidly changing world, we therefore place significant emphasis on the development of personal learning and thinking skills that will result in young people who are able to adapt to changing circumstances empowering them to meet the demands of 21st century life.
British education has achieved a worldwide reputation for quality and is recognised and respected around the world. In the context of RBIS we add to this English curriculum an appreciation and respect for the twin concepts of international mindedness and global awareness, encouraging our students to identify similarities rather than differences and to celebrate the customs and beliefs of others.
At RBIS we continually monitor the design, implementation and evaluation of the curriculum, ensuring breadth and balance and its impact on pupils’ behaviour and welfare, including their physical, mental and personal well-being, safety and spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
As a school we focus on being creative in our planning and innovative in our timetabling.
This allows for the delivery of a strong Thai language and culture programme essential in our local context and the development of other modern language options so beneficial in our global context.
As a school we recognize and value the benefits of creative and performing arts programmes within our curriculum delivery. These subjects are vital in bringing confidence and self-expression, creativity and balance to the academic elements of our studies.
We also consider how well the school supports the formal curriculum with extra-curricular opportunities for pupils to extend their knowledge and understanding and to improve their skills in a range of artistic, creative and sporting activities.