Page 8 - Staff Code of Conduct 2020 12.28 a.m. 17th January 2021
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•  have any form of communication with a child or young person which could be interpreted as sexually
            suggestive or provocative, including but not limited to, verbal comments, letters, notes, electronic
            mail, phone calls, texts, or physical contact;

        •  make sexual remarks to, or about, a child/young person; and
        •  discuss their own sexual relationships with or in the presence of students.

        Any  sexual  activity  between  an  adult  and  the  child  or  young  person  with  whom  they  work  may  be
        regarded as a criminal offence and will always be a matter for disciplinary action. All children and young
        people are protected by specific legal provisions in this respect regardless of whether the child or young
        person consents or not. The sexual activity referred to does not just involve physical contact including

        penetrative and non-penetrative acts. It may also include non-contact activities, such as causing children
        to engage in or watch sexual activity or the production of pornographic material. There are occasions
        when adults embark on a course of behaviour known as ‘grooming’ where the sole purpose is to gain
        the trust of a child, and manipulate that relationship so sexual abuse can take place. Adults should be
        aware  that  consistently  conferring  inappropriate  special  attention  and  favor  upon  a  child  might  be
        construed as being part of a ‘grooming’ process and as such will give rise to concerns about their
        behaviour. Staff should:

        •  ensure that their interactions with students clearly take place within the boundaries of a respectful
            professional relationship; and
        •  take care that their language
or conduct does not give rise to comment or speculation. Attitudes,
            demeanor  and  language
all  require  care  and  thought,  particularly  when  members  of  staff  are

            dealing with adolescent boys and girls.

        Scope of application of code on conduct outside School: The same guidelines should be applied to after
        School clubs, School trips, and especially trips that involve an overnight stay away from the School.
        There  are  separate,  more  detailed  guidelines  for  School  trips  in  the  Educational  Visits  Policy.  The
        principles of this guidance also apply to contact with children or young people who are students at
        another School.

        Guidance for staff on conduct with students inclusive of working alone with students: These guidelines
        are designed to encourage an atmosphere of trust in which all colleagues can conduct their professional

        lives with confidence. The School recognises the need for, and the desirability of, friendly and respectful
        social and professional rapport between staff and children.  Happy relations in the School are essential.
        Staff must conduct themselves professionally in their relationships with students, parents and staff and
        must not behave in a way that could bring RBIS Bangkok into disrepute or risk allegations being made.
        Members  of  staff  and  volunteers  need  to  be  aware  that  unwary  actions  can  be  misconstrued  as

        unprofessional conduct, with a potentially damaging effect on careers. Working alone with students
        may include: musical instrument tuition, 1:1 coaching, and student counselling, or conveying a student
        by car.

        To avoid misunderstandings, the following should be adhered to carefully:
        •  Members  of  staff  should  exercise  particular  caution  and  sensitivity  before visiting  lavatories  or
           changing areas. Male members of staff should never be in girls' changing areas unless accompanied

           by a female member of staff and likewise for female staff and boys’ changing rooms;
        •  No member of staff should ever be behind a locked door with a child;

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               Rasami British International School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students
            and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all students fulfil their potential.
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