Page 6 - Staff Code of Conduct 2020 12.28 a.m. 17th January 2021
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give cause for concern, the School has this whistleblowing policy, which acts as a framework to allow
        concerns to be raised confidentially and provides for a thorough and appropriate investigation of the
        matter to bring it to a satisfactory conclusion, under the School’s disciplinary procedure. RBIS Bangkok
        is committed to tackling fraud and other forms of malpractice and treats these issues seriously. The

        School  recognizes  that  some  concerns  may  be  extremely  sensitive  and  has  therefore  developed  a
        system which allows for the confidential raising of concerns within the School environment but also has
        recourse to an external party outside the management structure of the School.

        Behaviour  Management  of  Pupils  including  Physical  Intervention  (please  see  our  Behaviour
        Management  and  Physical  Intervention  policies):  Where  pupils  display  difficult  or  challenging
        behaviour,  adults  should  follow  the  school  behaviour  and  discipline  policy  using  strategies
        appropriate  to  the circumstance and situation. Early  years  providers  must  take  all  reasonable  steps

        to ensure that corporal punishment is not given by any  person  who  cares  for  or  is  in  regular  contact
        with  a child, or by any person living or working in the premises where care is provided. A person will
        not be  taken  to  have  used  corporal  punishment  if  the  action  was  taken  for  reasons  that  include
        averting  an immediate danger of personal injury to, or an immediate  danger  of  death  of,  any  person
        including the child. The  law  and  guidance  for  schools  states  that  adults may reasonably intervene to
        prevent a child from:

        •  committing a criminal offence
        •  injuring themselves or others
        •  causing damage to property
        •  engaging in behaviour prejudicial to good order  and to maintain good order and discipline.

        Physical Restraint: All members of staff are aware of the regulations regarding the use of force by

        teachers, as set out in DfE Circular 10/98, relating to section 550A of the Education Act 1996: The Use
        of Force to Control or Restrain Children. Teachers in RBIS Bangkok do not hit, push or slap children. Staff
        only  intervene  with  physical  restraint,  such  as  holding,  to  prevent  physical  injury  to  the  child,  other
        children  or  adults  and/or  serious  damage  to  property.  The  actions  that  we  take  are  in  line  with
        government guidelines on the restraint of children. Details of such an event (what happened, what action
        was taken and by whom, and the names of witnesses) are brought to the attention of the Head and

        recorded in the child’s personal file. The child’s parents are informed on the same day.

        Punishments that are humiliating or degrading will not be used.
        The following sanctions / punishments will never be used:
        •  Any form of hitting of a child (including hitting a child in anger or retaliation)
        •  Deprivation of food or drink.

        •  Enforced eating or drinking.
        •  Prevention of contact by telephone with parents or any appropriate independent listener or helpline.
        •  Requirement to wear distinctive clothing or the wearing of nightclothes by day.
        •  Withholding of any aids or equipment needed by a child.

        Action taken in self-defence or in an emergency: The law allows anyone to defend himself or herself
        against an attack provided they do not use more force than is necessary. Similarly, where a student is
        at risk of immediate injury or on the point of inflicting injury on someone else, any member of Staff
        (whether authorized or not) would be entitled to intervene.

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               Rasami British International School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students
            and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all students fulfil their potential.
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