Page 7 - Staff Code of Conduct 2020 12.28 a.m. 17th January 2021
P. 7

Staff should:
        •  be aware that even well-intentioned physical contact may be misconstrued by the child, an observer
            or by anyone to whom this action is described;

        •  be mindful of and sensitive to factors  both inside and outside of the school or  setting which may
            impact on a pupil’s  behaviour;
        •  avoid shouting at children other than as a warning in an emergency/safety situation;
        •  always seek to defuse situations and avoid the use of physical intervention wherever possible;
        •  where physical intervention is necessary,  only use minimum force and for the shortest time needed;

        •  not use physical intervention as a form of punishment;
        •  never touch a child in a way which may be considered indecent;
        •  always be prepared to report and explain actions and accept that all physical contact be open to
        •  not indulge in horseplay;

        •  always encourage children, where possible, to undertake self-care tasks independently;
        •  work within Health and Safety regulations;
        •  be aware of cultural or religious views about touching and always be sensitive to issues of gender;
        •  understand that physical contact in some circumstances can be easily misinterpreted.

        As a school RBIS Bangkok will:
        •  ensure the school has a  compliant physical intervention policy which staff understand, detailing
            when and how physical interventions should be  recorded and reported; and
        •  ensure that staff are provided with appropriate training and support.

        Positions of Trust and Ethical Conduct: As a result of our knowledge, position, and/or the authority
        invested in their role, all our staff are in positions of trust. A member of staff can be described as in a
        position of power or influence because of their role. It is vital for all staff to understand the power this
        can give them over those they care for and the responsibility they must exercise as a consequence of
        this relationship. Staff are expected to ensure that while there is an unequal balance of power, staff have
        a responsibility to ensure that this is not used for personal advantage or gratification. Staff will always
        maintain  appropriate  professional  boundaries  and  avoid  behaviour  that  could  be  misinterpreted  by

        others. We expect all staff to report and record any incident with this potential. Staff should not:
        •  use their position to gain access to  information for their own advantage  and/or a pupil’s or family's
        •  use their power to intimidate, threaten, coerce or undermine pupils; or
        •  use their status and standing to form or  promote relationships with pupils which  are of a sexual

            nature, or which may become so.

        Sexual Contact: All adults should clearly understand the need to maintain appropriate boundaries in
        their contacts with students. Intimate or sexual relationships between children/young people and the
        adults who work with them will be regarded as a grave breach of trust. Allowing or encouraging a
        relationship to develop in a way that might lead to a sexual relationship is also unacceptable.

        Staff must not:

        •  have sexual relationships with students;

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               Rasami British International School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students
            and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all students fulfil their potential.
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