Page 5 - Staff Code of Conduct 2020 12.28 a.m. 17th January 2021
P. 5

•  always act, and be seen to act, in the child’s best interests;
        •  avoid  any  conduct  which  would  lead  any  reasonable  person  to  question  their  motivation  and
           intentions; and

        •  take responsibility for their own actions  and behaviour.

        General conduct

        School property: Staff must take proper care when using  RBIS Bangkok property and must not use
        school property for any unauthorized use or for private gain.

        Use of premises: Staff must not carry out on RBIS Bangkok premises any work or activity other than
        pursuant  to  the  terms  and  conditions  of  their  employment  without  the  prior  permission  of  the


        Behaviour: staff should be aware that their behaviour may raise concerns if deemed inappropriate. Such
        concerns will be given careful consideration as to whether they constitute a potential risk to students at
        RBIS Bangkok.

        Alcohol and drugs: No  member of  RBIS Bangkok  Staff should drive a School vehicle or be on duty
        supervising students whilst under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other substance that may impair

        Alcohol and drug testing: RBIS Bangkok reserves the right to ask members of Staff to undertake an
        appropriate test if there is reason to believe that they are under the influence of alcohol, drugs and/or
        any other substance which may impair judgment. Any unreasonable refusal by a member of Staff to
        undergo the appropriate test is likely to lead to disciplinary action.

        Whistleblowing:  The  term  ‘whistleblowing’  is  considered  as  the  confidential  raising  of  problems  or
        concerns within an organisation by a member of staff. This is not “leaking” information but refers to

        matters of impropriety, e.g. a breach of law, School procedures or ethics. Nor is whistleblowing the
        raising  of  a  grievance  within  the  School  (which  would  be  dealt  with  under  the  staff  grievance
        procedures).  All  staff  are required  to report  their  own  wrongdoing,  or  any  wrongdoing or  proposed
        wrongdoing of any other member of staff to the Headmaster.

        Safeguarding is the responsibility of all who work, volunteer or learn in our School and all are required
        to report instances of actual or suspected child abuse or neglect to the Designated Safeguarding Leads

        (DSLs). RBIS Bangkok recognizes it is an agent of referral and not of investigation.

        We make it clear both in induction and other training and in guidance provided for staff that they have a
        responsibility to speak up about safeguarding and welfare matters within our School and to external
        agencies where necessary. This is one part of the way in which we establish in our School, a positive
        safeguarding culture. The School provides immunity from retribution or disciplinary action against such
        staff for “Whistleblowing” in good faith. Staff at all levels, including newly appointed and ancillary, have
        been given briefing or training on responding to suspicions or allegations of abuse and know what

        action they should take in response to such suspicions or allegations.

        The staff and the Board of Management of RBIS Bangkok seek to run all aspects of School business
        and activity with full regard for high standards of conduct and integrity. If members of School staff,
        parents, the Board of Management or the School community at large become aware of activities which

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               Rasami British International School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students
            and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all students fulfil their potential.
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