Page 8 - Anti-Bullying Policy 2020 19th Jan 2021
P. 8

work patterns, lacking concentration or fear on using Phones and ICT. Members of staff and all members
        of the community must be alert to the signs of bullying; legal responsibilities are known and community
        members should act promptly and firmly against it, in accordance with School policy. Although there

        may be other causes for some of the above symptoms, a repetition of, or a combination of these possible
        signs of bullying should be investigated by parents and the school. Classes have a worry-procedure chart
        called ‘What to do if you are worried’ which is discussed and referred to.

        Our Anti-bullying procedures
        Outlined below are our procedures should a suspected case of bullying arise.

        If you are the victim
        •  If you feel able to, confront the bully by verbally making him/her aware that you think that what he/she
           is doing is wrong.
        •  Share your feelings with someone else.  Do not blame yourself – it is not your fault.
        •  If possible talk to a member of the Staff.   If you would rather not go straight to a member of staff,
           talk to your friends or any trusted adult. They may well be able to advise on an appropriate course of

           action or will be able to involve other people who can. There are also people outside the School who
           would be willing to help. See our Child Protection and Safeguarding contact information

        If a pupil has witnessed bullying behaviour
        Support the victim of bullying by offering your friendship and make it clear that in your opinion what is
        happening to them is wrong. Encourage them to speak out on their own behalf by confronting the bully,
        or with their permission, confront the bully yourself. Accompany the victim to a trusted adult.

        On  a  member  of  staff  witnessing  or  receiving  an allegation  of  bullying:  Reassure  and  support  the
        Students involved. Advise them that you are required to pass details on to the relevant member of the
        pastoral team. (Senior Management Team, Headmaster).  The Head of School (Coordinator) will keep a
        central log of all complaints or incidences of bullying and record the way in which they were dealt.

        What will happen?
        The victim will be interviewed by their teacher and Head of School (Coordinator), on their own, and asked

        to write an immediate account of events. The process for dealing with bullying will be explained clearly
        to them. The victim is also given the opportunity to discuss his own reactions and behaviour towards
        the bully. The victim is given support and advice and counselling is suggested if deemed appropriate.
        Once  the  Teacher  and  Head  of  School  (Coordinator)  are  clear  that  a  bullying  offence  has  been
        committed,  the  bully  and  any  others  involved  will  be  interviewed  individually  and  asked  to  write  an
        immediate account of events. The process for dealing with bullying will be explained clearly to them.
        Details of the incident will be recorded on all the Students' files. The Headmaster is copied in so that it

        can be recorded as a bullying incident. The pastoral team will decide on an appropriate course of action.
        In the first instance the Teacher or Head of School will interview the pupil or Students whose behaviour
        has  caused  distress  and  give  him/them  a  formal  bullying  warning;  making  it  clear  that  any  further
        incident (or discussion about the current incident) would be considered to be further bullying. It will be
        made clear why the behaviour was inappropriate and unacceptable. Support and counselling will be
        offered. A suitable punishment will also be given.

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               Rasami British International School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students
            and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all students fulfil their potential.
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