Page 4 - Anti-Bullying Policy 2020 19th Jan 2021
P. 4

straightforward procedures make it easy to report bullying, including cyber bullying and bullying and
        bullying outside of school. Head teachers have a specific statutory power to discipline Students for poor
        behaviour  outside  the  school  premises  and  records  are  kept  to  evaluate  the  effectiveness  of  our

        approach and to enable patterns to be identified. The RBIS Bangkok Anti-bullying Policy is dovetailed
        with the Behaviour Management and Safeguarding  – Child Protection Policies (with support for the
        victim and the bully) and makes it clear what the sanctions are for bullying. We implement disciplinary
        sanctions  that  reflect  the  seriousness  of  an  incident  and  convey  a  deterrent  effect.  Where  bullying
        outside school is reported to school staff it is investigated and acted on.  We encourage openness in

        which  children, staff  and  parents  act  immediately  if  there  is  any  suspicion  of bullying.  Children  are
        educated to resist bullying. We provide a clear framework for dealing with incidents of bullying, ensuring
        that bullies whilst being dealt with firmly and swiftly may recognise and reform their behaviour. All adult
        members of our school community should be vigilant in recognising that bullying is taking place, and
        deal with it thoroughly and with sensitivity. Our aim is to promote positive relationships amongst all
        members of the school community and to develop a culture in which individuals are listened to and their
        concerns taken seriously.

        At  RBIS  Bangkok  we  believe  that  the  principle  means  of  prevention  is  through  the  maintenance  of
        conditions where bullying is less likely to flourish and is more easily detected. All Students are known to
        us personally and it is therefore easier for us to detect signs of possible distress. Moreover, we feel that
        it is important that Students have free and informal access to the Headmaster and other staff. This can
        be seen in the procedures we adopt. We aim to promote transparency in human relationships so that
        children, by default, are held to account for the feelings they may evoke in others. In the event of bullying
        taking place among the staff, the Headmaster should be informed and appropriate decisions made with

        possible reference to the relevant school Employment Policies and Procedures. Accusations of bullying
        of a pupil(s) by members of staff will be investigated thoroughly.

        The outcome of staff being respectful towards Students at all times, is that the children will internalise
        and model these human encounters and thus treat each other respectfully. Members of staff to whom
        disclosures  are  made  should  initiate  the  following  procedures  themselves  and/or  consult  with  the
        relevant staff as appropriate. All disclosures, whether from a pupil, a parent, a member of staff or a

        volunteer should be taken seriously and treated with sensitivity.  The victim(s) should be made aware
        that their safety is considered to be of paramount importance. We also recognise and understand that
        the  adults  in  the  children’s  world  do  not  endeavour  to  diminish  children  so  that  they  lose  respect
        amongst their peer group, but rather enhance them so as to continue to develop their self-esteem.

        The Headmaster sets the school climate of mutual support and praise for success, so making bullying
        less likely; ensures that all staff (both teaching and non-teaching) are aware of the school policy and
        know how to identify and deal with incidents or suspicions of bullying. The school arranges for all staff

        to receive sufficient training in order to be equipped to identify and deal with all incidents of bullying.
        The Headmaster also ensures that all children know that bullying is wrong, and that it is unacceptable
        behaviour in this school and draws the attention of children to this at suitable moments.

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               Rasami British International School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students
            and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all students fulfil their potential.
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