Page 4 - ICT ES and AUP Policy and Procedures
P. 4

Why is Internet use important?
        All children deserve the opportunity to achieve their full potential; in our modern society this should
        incorporate the use of “Appropriate and Safe” ICT facilities including online resources and services. In
        order for the school to maintain such an environment for learners (children and adults), everybody must
        be aware of the need to ensure on-line protection (E-Safety) and subsequently understand the principles
        of this policy and the expectations of school practice as documented below.

        Having Internet access enables students to explore thousands of global libraries, databases and bulletin
        boards. They may also be to exchange messages with other learners and teachers throughout the world.
        All unsuitable websites will be filtered and automatically blocked by our security systems and will not
        be  made  accessible  to  students.  In  addition,  students’  usage  of  our  network  will  be  continuously
        monitored and repeated attempts to access unsuitable sites will alert our ICT team. They will tailor the
        filtering to suit the individual needs of subjects and the school generally. Although this filtering uses the
        latest security technology, Parents/guardians need to be aware that some students may find ways to
        access material that is inaccurate, defamatory, illegal or potentially offensive to some people.

        However, at RBIS we believe that the benefits to students having access to the Internet in the form of
        information, resources and opportunities for collaboration exceed any disadvantages. Although, as with
        any other area, Parents and guardians of minors along with RBIS share the responsibility for setting and
        conveying the standards that students should follow when accessing and using these media information
        sources at school and/or at home. During school time, teachers will guide students towards appropriate
        material on the Internet. Outside school, families bear the same responsibility for guidance as they
        exercise with other information, sources such as television, telephones, films and radio etc.

        How does the Internet benefit education?
            •  Access to world-wide educational resources including museums and art galleries
            •  Educational and cultural exchanges between students world-wide
            •  Access to experts in many fields for students and staff
            •  Staff professional development through access to national developments, educational materials
               and good curriculum practice
            •  Communication with support services, professional associations and colleagues
            •  Improved access to technical support

        How will students learn to evaluate Internet content?
            •  If staff or students discover unsuitable sites, The URL (address) and content must be reported to
               the ICT / Computing teacher
            •  Staff  and  students  should  ensure  that  their  use  of  Internet  derived  materials  complies  with
               copyright law
            •  Students should be taught to be critically aware of the materials they read and show how to
               validate information before accepting it’s accuracy
            •  Students will be taught to acknowledge the source of information used and to respect copyright.

        Teaching and Learning:
            •  The  Internet  is  an  essential  element  in  21   century  life  for  education,  business  and  social
            •  The school has a duty to provide students with quality Internet access as part of their learning
            •  Internet use is a part of the statutory curriculum and a necessary tool for staff and students.
            •  The school Internet access will include filtering appropriate to the age of students.

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               Rasami British International School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students
            and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all students fulfil their potential.
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