Page 6 - E-Safety Policy 2020 19 Jan 2021
P. 6

•  Ensure you lock your screen before moving away from your computer during your normal working
            day  to  protect  any  personal,  sensitive,  confidential  or  otherwise  classified  data  and  to  prevent
            unauthorised access

        •  Ensure that you logoff from the PC completely when you are going to be away from the computer for
            a longer period of time
        •  Do not introduce or propagate viruses
        •  It is imperative that you do not access, load, store, post or send from school ICT any material that is,
            or  may  be  considered  to  be,  illegal,  offensive,  libellous,  pornographic,  obscene,  defamatory,
            intimidating, misleading or disruptive to the school or may bring the school or HCC into disrepute.

            This includes, but is not limited to, jokes, chain letters, files, emails, clips or images that are not part
            of the school’s business activities; sexual comments or images, nudity, racial slurs, gender specific
            comments, or anything that would offend someone on the basis of their age, sexual orientation,
            religious or political beliefs, national origin, or disability (in accordance with the Sex Discrimination
            Act, the Race Relations Act and the Disability Discrimination Act)
        •  Any information held on School systems, hardware or used in relation to School business may be

            subject to The Freedom of Information Act
        •  Where necessary, obtain permission from the owner or owning authority and pay any relevant fees
            before using, copying or distributing any material that is protected under the Copyright, Designs and
            Patents Act 1998
        •  It is essential that any hard drives which may have held personal or confidential data are ‘scrubbed’
            in way that means the data can no longer be read.  It is not sufficient to simply delete the files or

            reformat the hard drive.  Whoever you appoint to dispose of the equipment must provide a written
            guarantee that they will irretrievably destroy the data by multiple over writing the data.

        Teaching and Learning: Internet use is part of the curriculum and a necessary tool for learning. The
        Internet is a part of everyday life for education, business and social interaction. Pupils use the Internet
        widely outside school and need to learn how to evaluate Internet information and to take care of their
        own safety and security.  E-safety is a focus in all areas of the curriculum and key e-safety messages

        are reinforced regularly, teaching pupils about the risks of Internet use, how to protect themselves and
        their peers from potential risks, how to recognise suspicious, bullying or extremist behaviour and the
        consequences of negative online behaviour.

        Staff should be vigilant in lessons where pupils use the Internet. If staff allow the use of mobile devices
        in their lessons, they must ensure that they are used in line with school policy.  Staff will be provided
        with  sufficient  e-safety  training  to  protect  pupils  and  themselves  from  online  risks  and  to  deal

        appropriately with e-safety incidents when they occur.  Ongoing staff development training includes
        training  on  online  safety,  together  with  specific  safeguarding  issues  including  cyberbullying  and
        radicalisation.    The  frequency,  level  and  focus  of  such  training  will  depend  on  individual  roles  and

        The school’s Internet access is designed to enhance and extend education. Pupils will be taught what
        Internet use is acceptable and what is not and given clear guidelines for Internet use. Access levels
        reflect the curriculum requirements and age of pupils. Staff should guide pupils to on-line activities that

        will support the learning outcomes planned for the pupils’ age and maturity. Pupils are taught to be

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               Rasami British International School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students
            and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all students fulfil their potential.
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