STEM Education and Its Importance

October 17, 2022

S: Science

T: Technology

E: Engineering

M: Mathematics

A look at the next generation of careers about to come

STEM Jobs: The future of work that can be for you

We cannot ignore the fact that the world is changing rapidly. The advancement of science and technology have transformed people’s lives that are almost unrecognizable to the previous generation. And as a result, the children, our students of today are entering an exciting new era where many jobs that we have always known are likely to be replaced by the jobs that don’t even exist yet. It is our duty as a 21st educator to provide high quality resources, programmes and guidance designed to support our students to succeed in tomorrow’s world.

STEM education plays a crucial part in education for today. Digital Literacy is a new must have language that this generation must possess. This is part of STEM education. Moreover, the set of skills gained from STEM education will prepare them to be successful in any industry.

Why STEM is important

STEM teaches students more than science and mathematics concepts. The focus on hands-on learning with real world applications helps develop a variety of much needed 21st century skills including creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication.

If we are educating students to be successful in the next century. They must be encouraged to be ‘innovative’. When the focus of the curriculum is on being ‘innovative’, the students will automatically develop many beneficial skills attained through their learning experience. They will learn to accept failure and become a problem solver. They will learn to be a leader who can become an entrepreneur with good decision-making skills.

How we teach STEM education

  1. They need to understand the importance of STEM in their lives and the lives of others

What we do: The 21st education is to make students aware of the change in the world and how they can prepare themselves for that. The integration of knowledge will make students see how subjects can be connected and applied to everyday life. We discuss global issues such as climate change, air pollution and pandemic. This is to make them see the real picture.  Moreover, they need to be able to upskill and update their knowledge when they become adults. This important concept of ‘lifelong learning’ is being taught at an early age.

  • Challenge the perception that ‘STEM isn’t for me’

We teach students the concept of the knowledge transferability and not to be afraid of the challenge where they feel that ‘this is too hard for me’ and ‘this isn’t for me’. We look at the different kinds of jobs and what exam grades are needed for higher education to make them see the possibility.

Fun teaching approach and hands-on experience can help to change the perception and build more confidence. Especially the stereotype for some girls where they think ‘STEM is not for girls’ (please read more on this article…)

  • See the value and transferability of STEM skills

We provide a lot of experience and opportunities for students to see how STEM can benefit their lives.

  • Develop the employability skills needed to be successful in STEM

We provide good career guidance, and a strong study programme will encourage the students to take more interest in planning their own future career path. We invite role models and professional STEM employees to come to talk to our students to give them a full insight into the real world.

    5.Be aware of the wide range of roles available within STEM industries

       We know that each student is different and is an individual where they need personalised guidance to meet their needs. This is when we can make a lot of difference for our students’ future. We provide them with many opportunities for them to discover their interests under our guidance.

Fun Facts:

- In 2020 – 17.3 million STEM jobs in the US. Imagine the total numbers around the world!

- STEM skills will be needed indefinitely and are always advancing.

Sources: US Department of Energy, STEM learning Community

National Inventors Hall of Fame

RBIS is organising STEM week from 25th-28th October 2022. Please call 02 6445291-2 for more information.

By: Arwenun Klipbua (Executive School Director)
