Page 3 - Whistleblowing Policy 2020 12.54 p.m. 17th January 2021
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discharged. This discussion will be formally documented in writing. Any deficiencies or weaknesses
        recognised in arrangements or procedures will be remedied immediately and without delay. All staff will
        be informed of the update/reviewed policy and it will be made available to them in either a hard copy or

        Signed                                                                  Reviewed: 17  January 2021

               Mr. Timothy Ralph Cooper            Ms. Arwenun Klibua
               Headmaster                          Executive Director (On behalf of the Board of Management)

        This policy was last reviewed and agreed by the Board of Management of the school in January 2021
        and will next be reviewed no later than January 2022 or earlier if significant changes to the systems and
        arrangements take place, or if legislation, regulatory requirements or best practice guidelines so require.

        Whistleblowing Policy
        RBIS Bangkok is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, probity and accountability.
        In  line  with  that  commitment,  employees  and  others  with  serious  concerns  about  malpractice  or
        wrongdoing in the school’s work are encouraged to come forward and voice those concerns without
        fear of victimisation. Whatever the source the Board of Management are committed to listening to the
        concerns, taking them seriously and ensuring that they are dealt with promptly and fairly.

        We explicitly require staff to report to the Headmaster of RBIS or the Board of Management any concern
        or allegation about school practices or the behaviour of colleagues which are likely to put pupils at risk
        of abuse or other serious harm.

        The  Second  Report  of  the  Committee  on  Standards  in  Public  Life:  Local  Public  Spending  Bodies
        published by The Nolan Committee used the term ”whistleblowing” to mean the confidential raising of
        problems or concerns within an organisation by a member of staff. This is not “leaking” information but
        refers to matters of impropriety e.g. a breach of law, school procedures or ethics. Nor is whistleblowing
        the  raising  of  a  grievance  within  the  school  (which  would  be  dealt  with  under  the  staff  grievance
        Those external to RBIS Bangkok are encouraged to raise any concerns they have about the way in which
        the school operates through the School’s Complaints Procedure.  Employees are often the first to realise
        that there may be something seriously wrong with an organisation. However, they may not express their
        concerns because they feel that speaking up would be disloyal to their colleagues or to the organisation.
        They may also fear harassment or victimisation. Employees are encouraged to raise their concerns
        within RBIS by applying the approach described in this document, rather than overlooking a problem or
        blowing the whistle outside the organisation.

        This policy provides immunity from retribution or disciplinary action against  RBIS Bangkok staff for
        “Whistleblowing” in good faith. At all levels, including newly appointed and ancillary, staff have been
        given briefing or training on responding to suspicions or allegations of abuse and know what action they
        should take in response to such suspicions or allegations.

        It  should  be  emphasised  that  this  policy  is  intended  to  assist  individuals  who  believe  they  have
        discovered malpractice or impropriety. It is not designed to question financial or business decisions
        taken by the school nor should it be used to reconsider any matters which have already been addressed
        under harassment, complaint, disciplinary or other procedures. Once the "whistleblowing” procedures
        are in place, it is reasonable to expect staff to use them rather than air their complaints outside the

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               Rasami British International School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students
            and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. It is our aim that all students fulfil their potential.
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