Vahrey (Por) Sitsuksai who graduated from RBIS in 2011
"My experience at RBIS was delightful. The warm and friendly atmosphere created by the friends, staff, and teachers made us feel like we were part of a big family. The small class sizes enabled the teachers to pay attention to every student, and they were always available to support and guide us whenever we faced any challenges. The positive environment at RBIS played a pivotal role in shaping who I am today.
Moreover, I have to acknowledge that RBIS did an excellent job of preparing me for higher education. Thanks to the solid foundation and academic rigor provided by RBIS, I was able to graduate from Mahidol University International College with a degree in Finance and a minor in Chinese, followed by another bachelor's degree in Accountancy at the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce; I am currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Business Analytics and Data Science at NIDA.
Furthermore, while pursuing my second and third degrees, I had the opportunity to work as an Investment Banking Analyst and then later pursue my career as an Associate in the Private Equity Fund. This job provided me with a platform to apply the knowledge and skills that I acquired during my bachelor's degree. It also allowed me to gain exposure to various business aspects and meet a diverse group of people. This career path has been an instrumental experience in my personal and professional development."